Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Pretty Awesome Stuff Right There
Anyway, I would rather die peacefully like my uncle Joe than screaming like his bus passengers...
The True Nature of Math

After discussing truth, it is apparent that some have not yet realized that truth is imaginary. I attempted to make that point obvious in my essay, but apparently when something is dead out stated, it is not received by the audience. Truth is only something that we choose to believe in so we can base our lives on something solid. There is no way to prove one’s existence to ones self, but we choose to believe that we exist so that we can continue to grow and thrive as a species. If we spent all of our time trying to prove our existence, we wouldn’t have gotten any further in life than archaic cave paintings (although it appears that some still have not gotten further than this phase). Some believe that truth is faulty in general, however, this cannot be true for something that doesn’t exist. I cannot say that an Offamaloo is faulty because it doesn’t exist. However, I can choose to believe that this “Offamaloo” exists, but I must accept it all out. I cannot say that an Offamaloo kind of exists, or that my life is a little real, I must accept it or not. From this we can see that everything in our entire universe is theoretical because nothing can be proven, so we must accept these things as “true” if we want to continue to evolve.
If, at this time, we assume that we do, in fact, exist (despite the fact that it cannot be proven), we can take this world and build from it. We can invent a language, however poorly constructed, and communicate affectively with it (well, most people can communicate affectively with it. You know, those people who know how to use a comma…). When we accept this world, we can begin to define it using any system we can perceive. However, once this system is established, it must be considered a “truth” if we want to have any hope of using it. If we spend all of our time trying to prove that an inch exists, we will get nowhere. We wont have houses, we wont have bridges, and we wont have roads. However, if we accept this system as a truth and not theoretical (as we have done with our own existence), then when somebody says, “prove that is an inch…” we can produce a standard ruler that contains the standard inch that we have accepted as a truth and show that it is in fact equal to one inch. So if one where to say that math is based on man-made systems and is entirely theoretical, I must agree to an extent, for everything is theoretical (because it can’t be proven), and everything is man-made (because it is perceived by our minds. This can be traced back to the famous riddle, “if a tree falls and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?”). So if we were to discredit numbers and measurements (as has been suggested for some reason) then math does become irrelevant because everything becomes irrelevant. If I suddenly decide to not believe in the existence of numbers, that would be as illogical as suddenly not believing in myself.
So, in conclusion, I apologize for the length of my letters. Because I try to explain my theory instead of blindly stating information, it takes time. Some may consider this “rambling” for they are not intelligent enough to understand the true depth of the information, however, for those who have benefited, I am happy. Finally, I want to dead out state my opinion (as is apparently necessary to some). Math is based on something that cannot be proven, nothing is. We must accept that we exist on faith, for if we don’t, we will be driven mad by the crazy ramblings of philosophers. From that, we must realize that everything we encounter is man-made, for it is all perceived in our own minds. When light (which we must accept as existent) hits an object (which we must again accept as existent), our mind sees this light and our brains translate it into information. Therefore, our minds can express everything (unlike the English language) and is a medium in which emotions can be expressed.
Finally, math is the fundamental building blocks of our world because math is logic. Some may consider math simply, “useful”, or “handy in a pinch”, but it is much, much more than that. Math is the only necessary creation in our existence, for with logic, we can express anything. Math is beauty, it is elegance, it is necessary.
If you would like a copy of this essay, you can download it from:
Truth is only perception
What you perceive as truth is only your personal perception using your senses to perceive truth. Thus truth is faulty in general. Math is a based on man made systems and is in everything theoretical. It is theoretical because numbers lengths measurements and functions are all ideas of man that are built off of other ideas and thus if you discredit measurement or numbers as art has been by my colleague math is irrelevant. English cannot express everything nothing can but Art tries to express emotion where no other medium can. I will not go on in a rambling attempt to disprove mathematics because it is useful and necessary to aspects of the world we live in. Art is beautiful. I particularly like Starry night by Van Gogh it is in the Museum of Modern Art in New York.