Tuesday, April 29, 2008
the pope again
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Pope, my turn.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
But all in all it was a good trip.
Friday, April 18, 2008
Thursday, April 17, 2008
I will keep you, the reader, updated on happenings and/or updates.
It what we call in the business, events.
The business being time and lock of course.
As it is self-evident, I do not know much, but as a human, I use the assertion of knowledge and the structure of latent vocabulary to project a point, even if I lack such. This is a very William thing to do.
Now, on the topic of baseball, the most important topic of all, short of Asympotatoes or Cheerwine. The Atlanta Braves have three future hall-of-famers in their starting pitching rotation; Tim Hudson, John Smoltz and Tom Glavine. They rock some serious ass. However, the apparent lack of talent in other parts of the roster, i.e. the rest of it, short of Chipper Jones, God's gift to baseball, has brought Atlanta to a lowly position in the NL East. In the American League, the Cleveland Indians have quite the pitching predicament, C.C. Sabathia is utterly failing in his time to shine. Fausto Carmona is being Carmona, winning games, but the Indians cant use him every game. Borowski is on the disabled list, thank God, and they have Rafael Betancourt as a new closer. The young guns on the Indians, Grady Sizemore and Company, need to get the ball rolling if they expect to get the tight as balls AL Central crown with the Tigers and even the Royals as threats.
Have a wonderful life, and try to shake off a little more baggage everyday.
God bless.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
As the savior descends upon the damned..
Ever get that feeling you're being watched?
That eerie sense that some heavenly hand directs us all like pawns?
If I may quote the legendary Forrest Gump, 'I don't know if we each have a destiny, or if we're all just floatin' around accidental-like on a breeze. But I, I think maybe it's both.'
Gump's got quite the idea. Why can't we decide our path and have a set destination as well? Surely a person can make their own decision, but can anyone escape fate? No one lives forever, we all die, no one can avoid that. But we all can make the journey our own. One man eats burgers, fries, drinks Cheerwine, God bless him, but another watches the caloric intake and runs every once in a while. They both die, but can we quantify or determine the quality of their lives? It's the life in your years, not the years in your life, a man once told me. So when life seems unfair, it's your own crutch. Seize everyday, make it your time, and you will live quite the life.
Monday, April 14, 2008
Soylent Green
Click here to read more
Human Genome project
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Google pones
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Help Us Spread the Word
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The only thing a person can ever prove is their own existence because if you think therefore you are. But this only proves your conscious existence not your physical existence. You might only exist in a mental state and time and space may not exist. You might be a man in a coma experiencing a very real dream. Since we cannot prove the physical realm exists through any form of logic, it is assumed it exists. What if it did not? Our math would not make sense. It is based off of our 3 planes that make it up. Math cannot bring us any closer to the ultimate truth that Matt spoke of.
Since nothing can be proven besides our own existence, which we can only prove to our selves, all we as men can have is faith in what we think is right.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Pretty Awesome Stuff Right There
Anyway, I would rather die peacefully like my uncle Joe than screaming like his bus passengers...
The True Nature of Math

After discussing truth, it is apparent that some have not yet realized that truth is imaginary. I attempted to make that point obvious in my essay, but apparently when something is dead out stated, it is not received by the audience. Truth is only something that we choose to believe in so we can base our lives on something solid. There is no way to prove one’s existence to ones self, but we choose to believe that we exist so that we can continue to grow and thrive as a species. If we spent all of our time trying to prove our existence, we wouldn’t have gotten any further in life than archaic cave paintings (although it appears that some still have not gotten further than this phase). Some believe that truth is faulty in general, however, this cannot be true for something that doesn’t exist. I cannot say that an Offamaloo is faulty because it doesn’t exist. However, I can choose to believe that this “Offamaloo” exists, but I must accept it all out. I cannot say that an Offamaloo kind of exists, or that my life is a little real, I must accept it or not. From this we can see that everything in our entire universe is theoretical because nothing can be proven, so we must accept these things as “true” if we want to continue to evolve.
If, at this time, we assume that we do, in fact, exist (despite the fact that it cannot be proven), we can take this world and build from it. We can invent a language, however poorly constructed, and communicate affectively with it (well, most people can communicate affectively with it. You know, those people who know how to use a comma…). When we accept this world, we can begin to define it using any system we can perceive. However, once this system is established, it must be considered a “truth” if we want to have any hope of using it. If we spend all of our time trying to prove that an inch exists, we will get nowhere. We wont have houses, we wont have bridges, and we wont have roads. However, if we accept this system as a truth and not theoretical (as we have done with our own existence), then when somebody says, “prove that is an inch…” we can produce a standard ruler that contains the standard inch that we have accepted as a truth and show that it is in fact equal to one inch. So if one where to say that math is based on man-made systems and is entirely theoretical, I must agree to an extent, for everything is theoretical (because it can’t be proven), and everything is man-made (because it is perceived by our minds. This can be traced back to the famous riddle, “if a tree falls and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?”). So if we were to discredit numbers and measurements (as has been suggested for some reason) then math does become irrelevant because everything becomes irrelevant. If I suddenly decide to not believe in the existence of numbers, that would be as illogical as suddenly not believing in myself.
So, in conclusion, I apologize for the length of my letters. Because I try to explain my theory instead of blindly stating information, it takes time. Some may consider this “rambling” for they are not intelligent enough to understand the true depth of the information, however, for those who have benefited, I am happy. Finally, I want to dead out state my opinion (as is apparently necessary to some). Math is based on something that cannot be proven, nothing is. We must accept that we exist on faith, for if we don’t, we will be driven mad by the crazy ramblings of philosophers. From that, we must realize that everything we encounter is man-made, for it is all perceived in our own minds. When light (which we must accept as existent) hits an object (which we must again accept as existent), our mind sees this light and our brains translate it into information. Therefore, our minds can express everything (unlike the English language) and is a medium in which emotions can be expressed.
Finally, math is the fundamental building blocks of our world because math is logic. Some may consider math simply, “useful”, or “handy in a pinch”, but it is much, much more than that. Math is the only necessary creation in our existence, for with logic, we can express anything. Math is beauty, it is elegance, it is necessary.
If you would like a copy of this essay, you can download it from: http://www.mediafire.com/?d9ezmfmddbd
Truth is only perception
What you perceive as truth is only your personal perception using your senses to perceive truth. Thus truth is faulty in general. Math is a based on man made systems and is in everything theoretical. It is theoretical because numbers lengths measurements and functions are all ideas of man that are built off of other ideas and thus if you discredit measurement or numbers as art has been by my colleague math is irrelevant. English cannot express everything nothing can but Art tries to express emotion where no other medium can. I will not go on in a rambling attempt to disprove mathematics because it is useful and necessary to aspects of the world we live in. Art is beautiful. I particularly like Starry night by Van Gogh it is in the Museum of Modern Art in New York.
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
The Truth to Truth
Before I get started, I would like to make a comment. It tickles me that, when I describe a character who could very well be made up, certain authors link them with actual people. This proves that said authors realize that certain people are illogical, they just refuse to accept it for reasons beyond my comprehension.
And now, we're off:
The Truth to Truth:
A small boy plunders with childhood as he graciously accepts a gift from a loving grandmother. He greedily snatches it away, tearing through the thin filament surrounding the box that was at one time known as wrapping paper. Once into the box, the boy realizes that the contents are not what he expected nor ached for, it was a pair of socks. Stunned, the boy simple blunders the statement he has been thought by his parents.
“Thanks for the gift grandma…I love it,” the boy doesn’t consider himself to be lying, for he is warping the truth to allow his grandmother the piece of mind that she needs. This raises the question that many people in the past have strived for, what is truth? Is truth the accepted statements of our observations? Is it simply the lies that we choose to believe? Or is truth logic in action? A statement can be proven true if it is derived from a previously true statement. We can say that 5 + 2 = 7 because of the previous truths that we have set up. Five is a number that exists in our mind, that is a truth. Two, as well, is a number that exists in our mind, ergo it is also a truth. We also know that when two numbers are combined, they create a number that is the compilation of the previous numbers; therefore, a truth can be proven from the compilation of other truths. Then what defines the original truth? What seemingly all-powerful statement is the original truth, from which we have built our entire society? These are questions that cannot be answered by any mortal being, no matter how intelligent they may think they are. Because of this, I will not try to answer these questions; I will merely provide truths that may influence these statements. Indeed, I can analyze these questions with truth, but these truths are derived from the Original Truth, which I am analyzing with my truths. I have thus created a paradoxical cycle that cannot be broken with brute force or ignorance or even, I dare say it, art. What I have said thus far can be summed up in a famous quote made by one of my heroes Albert Einstein (for those art fans who haven’t heard of him, he is a scientists). Einstein’s quote about truth is, “Whoever undertakes to set himself up as a judge of Truth and Knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter of the gods.” Therefore, anybody with the God Complex to try to judge truth is to be forever laughed at by the gods. This is why I cannot pretend like many others in this world that I understand truth, for I do not, nor does anybody else. Assuming this, how can we dare to study the truth to truth? Well, we can analyze truth using a few given truths that we must accept before we can proceed. First, we must accept that truth is a logical assumption that can be proven. Truth must withstand the constant bombardment of false accusations attempting to prove that truth incorrect. Einstein once said, “No amount of experimentation can ever prove me right; a single experiment can prove me wrong.” This is what I have been explaining in a nutshell. Truth must be accepted for as long as it takes someone to prove it false. If the truth is a true truth, then it will come out the other end of this bombardment of anti-proofs as it was at the start, a full and honest truth.
From here we can build our analysis. If we say that truth is what is accepted by society, then truth can be expressed in infinitely many ways. One could paint a picture depicting pain and suffering, the truth of the world. One could make a sculpture of a man helping somebody, the truth of the world. One could solve an equation and prove the original statement, the truth of the world. All of these different expressions are, contrary what many narrow-minded individuals may say, truths. 3x + 4 = 7; x = 1, this is a truth that can easily be expressed using the logic and truthful nature of mathematics. “Vietnam caused thousands of people suffering and pain” is a truthful statement that can be expressed using the defunct aspects of the English language. Both of these are truths, but which one can withstand the bombardment of lies? Is the English language so true that it cannot be illogical? Can you express every thought in the English language? Can these expressions be shown true in math? These are some of countless questions that are being tested for truth, however, I believe that I have already found the truth to these questions or lack there of. Let’s begin with our “truthful” statement in English. “Vietnam caused thousands of people suffering and pain,” this statement itself is true, but can easily be made false by using the rules of English. One doesn’t know if this statement means that Vietnam caused thousands of people to suffer, or if it caused thousands of people, as well as suffering and pain. This is one of the many faults to the English language. Also, if there were one so arrogant as to believe that every thought can be expressed in the English language, then why is it that the language is growing? If I went back four hundred years and took my laptop with me, how would the English speaking population describe it? They would be unable to express their views about such a machine. Another example is the expression of pain. Pain cannot be expressed directly with words. If we are to describe pain, we must use a method known as fuzzy logic. If I had my foot blown off by a land mine, I would be screaming. Screaming is the natural human expression of pain and I guarantee you that screaming is not English. If, five years later, I were to attempt to describe this pain, I would be unable to do so without using fuzzy logic. Fuzzy logic is comparing an idea that cannot be expressed in the English language to one that can be expressed. If someone asked me, “How did you feel when your foot was blown off?” I could say that it hurt. However, “hurt” is such a varied word. It has very little true definition to it and can be used for many different experiences. I could say that a paper cut hurts and I could also say that a fatal head wound hurts. If anybody has ever felt both, or even if you haven’t and simply have a brain, you know that a paper cut is not the same thing as having one’s foot blown off or being shot in the head. This is one of the countless faults to the English language. I can only describe pain in relation to other feelings. I could say, “When my foot was blown off, it felt like a thousand small spiders had bit me with all the force they could muster,” this is a true statement, but it doesn’t correctly define what I felt in that terrifying instant. To further explain this, how many times have you heard or read someone say, “words could not describe it,” this phrase in itself sums up my argument thus far.
Love is another phenomena that cannot be expressed using the faulty structure of the English language. If you have ever been truly in love, you know that you need that person with you no matter what. You feel so strongly for that person that if anything were to happen to them, it would devastate you beyond words! I could say “My love for you is as great as the seas of the world!” but this still wouldn’t express my true feelings.
Art itself does not show truth no matter what anybody tells you. If you have ever seen a painting by Escher you know that images can be deceiving. Cave men used to express themselves with cave paints, a form of art. As you can see, this wasn’t enough to satisfy man’s drive to express himself. If art could express truth, then language wouldn’t exist! Cave men would have simply expressed themselves using cave paintings. As man evolved, more convenient ways of painting would have presented themselves and man would have continued to this day to use art and only art to express his feelings. This proves beyond the shadow of a doubt that art does NOT show truth in itself because no mortal man can hope to comprehend truth! However, man can delve to the very depths of lies, coming as close to truth as possible using math and logic. Given the rules of math, we can express 5 + 2 = 7 any and every time we please and there is no confusion about what I mean. There is no confusion or problems in translation between any nation in the universe. Math is the universal numerological language of the universe. Math is the only perfect way of expressing “truth”. Indeed, math comes close to the Original Truth, but it still has its faults. If I try to divide 0 by 0 I get something unimaginable. Lets use the rules of math to prove that lies can arise. Let’s assume that x = 0. This can be done without any confusion because of the truthful nature of math and logic. From this true statement, we can derive the expression 2x = 0. This is also a true statement because, based on the truths of math, we know that anything times 0 is 0. Now, lets solve the equation. If we divide both sides by x we get 0/x = 2. Now, as we said, x = 0, so the expression, 0/x can also be expressed as 0/0. Now, lets say 3x = 0. If we divide by x, we get 0/0 = 3. We can do this for any number we please and we realize that 0/0 = infinity. Now how can this be possible? This is an irrational expression that arises when we use truth. This is one of the few instances when the truths of math cannot be used to overpower the Original Truth. We can think of this “Original Truth” as the building ground for a house. If we do not know what the Original Truth is, we cannot know exactly where our house is. However, we can still build the house using other truths. We can live in the house for as long as we like, but we can never truly know where we are or if we are even in a house. Nothing can be proven because we do not know what the Original Truth is. Therefore, truth cannot be expressed in any form, ever! If you attempt a true statement, such as “I am alive” I could say, “Prove it”. You might begin by saying that you’re heart is beating. I could say, “Prove that your heart exists and that this is not just a figment of your imagination…” this could continue forever without anybody getting to the truth. This is why art, nor language, not even math can express truth, they can just come close. As I have demonstrated, math/logic comes the closest to true truth as is humanly possible where as art and language pale in comparison. The Original Truth can never be achieved.
If you would like a copy of this essay, you can download it here: http://www.mediafire.com/?zlmntxo11sm
8/8/08: I was looking back at this and I realized that I left out the perfect quote. Since I would like to leave my essay in its original format, I will just include the quote bellow:
"Physical concepts are free creations of the human mind, and are not, however it may seem, uniquely determined by the external world. In our endeavor to understand reality we are somewhat like a man trying to understand the mechanism of a closed watch. He sees the face and the moving hands, even hears it ticking, but he has no way of opening the case. If he is ingenious he may form some picture of the mechanism which could be responsible for all the things he observes, but he may never be quite sure his picture is the only one which could explain his observations. He will never be able to compare his picture with the real mechanism and he cannot even imagine the possibility of the meaning of such a comparison."
--Bruce Gregory
Make Art
Art is a wonderful thing contrary to what some may tell you. Picasso was a great artist and through his art he showed truth. Art is a beautiful way to show the truth when others would choose to skirt it with logic. Because the truth is not logical it is as diverse as the people of our world. Pablo Picasso's Guernica is one of my favorite pieces it is featured to the left.
English is a wonderful language no matter what other may say. Logic will constrict and strangle the beautiful freedom we are given by the English language. I believe that logic has no right to come into language logic can have mathematics but it will not take my language and destroy it. This is my native tongue the words my forefathers spoke and it shall not be destroyed.
L was a wonderful teacher who engaged us to explore ideas upon our own. While she may not have had an appreciation or knowledge of the sciences but she did understand the beauty of questions and words. She allowed free thought and that is a most wonderful thing.
See Lojban here
Poor Picasso
On April 8th (today) 1973 (not today), Pablo Picasso died at age 91. Pablo Picasso was a brilliant, obviously creative man. It is a shame that such amazing talent and ingenuity would be put toward something that brings society no where. Although it has proved to stimulate the brain in certain, potentially positive ways, art is a senseless pastime much like sports (except American Baseball, which is awesome). Both art and sports allow the artist/player a way of expressing their inner pain as well as providing the art critic/sports fan a pastime of their own. However, in the modern world (basically any time in the past 800 years), science has dominated over the squabble between art and truth. Ever since the human brain evolved past fascination with colors (about the age of 7 months for most people, but as my last post showed, it can be longer for the more aggressive), art has become less and less important in modern-day life. The world today is driven by science and those who don’t learn this will be left behind. The perfect example of how art is polluting the genius of science is my English teacher. In an attempt to not completely destroy this teachers integrity, she will simply be known as L.
While sitting in class one day, some students were discussing the popular yet completely inaccurate film, The Core. This film captures the adventure in a journey to “fix” the center of the Earth, which has stopped spinning. (No no, not really, this is just a movie. I know this is hard for you hard-core art fans to grasp, but sometimes people like to pretend about scientific disasters. I will put it in art words, “flat Earth no broken.”) Back to the subject at hand, the students were discussing this movie when L overheard the conversation.
“What is this film about?” L asked.
“Well, the center of the Earth stops spinning and people are trying to save it,” the class responds.
“WHAT!!! How completely inaccurate!” L shouts (up to this point, the teacher was correct). “If the center of the Earth stopped spinning, people would be floating away because the Earth’s magnetic field would be messed up…” L said to a class who’s jaws had hit the floor. The sad part was, L was actually proud of herself that she had made such a “scientifically accurate” exclamation. Now, before you start laughing yourself into a coma, you have to remember that this is an English teacher, and not the good kind either. There are many English teachers out there who study novels and how they affect the real world (such as my uncle) however, the artsie-fartsie English teachers like L are just plain Dorian (If you watch Scrubs you will get that). These teachers are the same ones who claim that they have been taught to see the aura of energy coming off a person and claims that they can predict a persons’ strengths and weaknesses based on the color of this aura (which L has claimed, by the way).
This is not meant to be a slam against art. I myself enjoy art very much. I enjoy spending my spare time looking at art and traveling to museums. However, art, although cultural, does not move society towards a better life.
Dyslexia And the Brain Brain Brain Brain Brain...(bad joke)
This is a really cool article that talks about how different parts of the brain are affected by Dyslexia depending on whether a child reads English (a totally worthless, terribly designed language), or Chinese (possibly the only language that is designed worse than English). It doesn’t seem to be worse in one language or the other, it simply affects the brain differently.
Mice Get Pissed
This is an interesting article about mice. Apparently if you remove one key gene from a mouse’s DNA, it becomes a much more impulsive, wild mouse. Mice are perfect for this experiment because they are naturally non-aggressive beings. Unlike many animals such as dogs, bulls, and especially humans, not much seems to anger a mouse. For certain human beings with a pathetic DNA structure (aka, those who are naturally angry and lash out at others), survival actually becomes more difficult because the brain isn’t designed to handle certain types of stress. In another study (which I will find the link for eventually), scientists proved that dogs that tend to be overly aggressive are much less intelligent than a calm dog. Similar tests have been done on humans to prove that aggressive humans can be up to 27 IQ points lower than the average human!
Monday, April 7, 2008
Planetary System that mimics ours found
Me and My Monkeys
Well, as you should all know, I am half monkey half human due to a tragic yet fascinating accident with Asympotatoes. Ever since the scientific world has found out about my incredible condition, they have been running tests, asking me questions, etc. It is nice to sometimes get some time to myself to relax and read some articles about my new family. One of the most interesting articles I have found so far is an article talking about chromosomal gender differences between monkeys. This article discusses the fact that male monkeys would rather play with male toys (such as trucks, GI Joes, etc. for those of you who saw the words “male toys” and had something sick come to mind, shame on you). This is a really interesting article that you should all read.
Animal that Really Known Their Way Around Asympotatoes
As has been discussed, Asympotatoes allow you to bend the universe around one self in magnificent ways. Scientists, previously in denial about these amazing manipulators, are now having to come to grips on the existence of Asympotatoes. Several animals have been found in both the wild and in captive that have incredible powers that can only be explained by the existence of Asympotatoes. One example of such amazing animals is the lung less frog, more properly known as Barbourula kalimantanensis. This frog has harnessed the power of the Asympotatoes to allow itself to breath through its skin. This frog, although truly amazing, may not be around for long. Gold mine pollution is destroying the rivers in which these little creatures live. So if you want to read a story of a truly amazing creature, see the link bellow.
Asympotatoes and Time Travel
After several weeks of working with complicated equations and experiments, my colleague and I have realized that it is in fact possible to travel through time using the power of Asympotatoes. I will not go into great detail, mostly because many of the bugs are stilling being worked out. However, I believe that I have found proof that at some point in the near future, I must discover how to travel through time with Asympotatoes, for there is a site that is made by a man remarkably similar to myself. I believe that because this site is so similar to my life, I must have written it, however, I have no knowledge up to the present time of ever having created this site. Therefore, I must have created the site several years from now, having traveled back in time with the power of the Asympotatoes to do so. This is the only logical answer so such a conundrum, and to help you all ponder this problem, I will provide the link to this magic site bellow.
So i begin
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Project Cybersyn
Read more about it here
This is the Asympotatoes blog. It contains our thoughts on new and old tech and other random interesting facts.